"I don't think (Karen and I) quite click."
--Jennifer Hammon

 Digest: Obviously, you’ve all bonded. But it must have been very intimidating at first - coming onto a new show, not knowing anyone. When did you start to feel comfortable with each other?

Hadley: We really bonded while taping the two hour prime-time special. We were all in really high heels and a lot of pain.

Pinson: Uh-huh. The movie took two weeks to film, so we were in the same outfit for two weeks, every single day.

Hammon: Same high heels. And crouching down most of the time.

Hadley: In really attractive poses, trying not to let the camera get too great of a glimpse.

Hammon: You know, Sharon Stone action? (They all laugh) Digest: Tell us a little bit about life on the set. Is there a particular dressing room where you like to hang out and dish?

Pinson: There’s a few, Lisa has candy in her dressing room.

Hammon: A ton.

Hadley: I’ve got the refrigerator. It’s always stocked.

Hammon: With Costco stockage. And drinks.

Hadley: I want to be a good hostess. Digest: Martinis?

Hammon: No, drinks like Snapple.

Hadley: You’re trying to get me in trouble, aren’t you? Digest: Do you ever find time to hang out off set?

Pinson: I wish we hung out more often.

Hadley: We do go out sometimes after work, but I wish we had more time.

Pinson: Exactly, I’m the only single one of the bunch, so I’m the one with all the time. These two have other stuff going on, which is completely understandable. But I’d hang out with these two in a heartbeat. We’d rip this town apart. Right, girls?

Hammon/Hadley: Yeah!

Digest: Some women say that it’s easier to be friends with men then with other women. Comments?

Pinson: Not the friends I know and hang out with. I pick my girlfriends strictly for their independence, their strength and their intelligence. None of the women I know would ever be catty or jealous. Ever. I do not choose to hang out with women like that.

Hammon: You go, girl!

Hadley: I’ve had great male friends and female friends. I think it really depends on the person.

Hammon: My best friends in life have been women. I think it’s harder to get in with women, but once I’m in, I’m in.

Digest: Do you think you’d ever be friends with someone like your character? Lisa, would you be friends with someone like Julie?

Hadley: I would. Definitely. I think she’s a good egg.

Hammon: She’s awesome.

Hadley: And she’d stick by people she supports.

Digest: Jennifer, what about you and Karen?

Hammon: Yeah, I’d be friends with her. But I don’t think we’d quite click.

Pinson: You wouldn’t call her crying on the phone on a Friday night because something bad happened to you that day.

Hammon: Right, right. I don’t know why.

Digest: Julie, what about you and Eve?

Pinson: Nope. Would not be friends with her, which is funny because we are so similar.

Hammon: I think that’s the same thing with me. Digest: Maybe you’re too similar?

Hammon/Pinson: Yes.

Pinson:This is so weird, I think I’m having a therapy session right now.

Hammon: I think my character’s a little too somber. I’m more fun.

Digest: Well, your characters are doctors in training.

Pinson: I’m a doctor? I forgot. They never show Eve doing any doctor stuff.

Hammon: Yeah, and you’re the one with all the good recommendations for the Quartermaine Fellowship.

Hadley: She doesn’t even have a patient!

Pinson: Gotta get me one of those, too.

Fortune Cookies

What gourmet Chinese dinner would be complete without a fortune cookie for dessert? Here’s the OT on which actress got what - even a photographer Greg Weiner got into the act.

Hadley: "Accept the effections offered to you. They are sincere." Aww.

Hammon: "Unveil your ideas. Be ready to act on them." Okay.

Pinson: "Your life will be happy and peaceful." That’s good!

Weiner: "You have great physical prowess and an iron constitution."

Hadley: No way.

Pinson: You are so full of s***, let me see that.

Hammon: Did you make that up?

Digest: He obviously must've taken mine by mistake, Waiter!